Science & Design Technology
What is Science?
Our Science is supported by White Rose
Is it a bunch of information about the parts of a circuit and the temperatures at which water freezes or boils?
Is it something you investigate and experiment with, like combining materials and heating them up to see what happens?
Is it a way of looking at the world and seeing it for what it is, rather than what we might think it is or wish it to be?
Science is actually all these things . . .
At Holmwood School we aim to ensure that children investigate science and scientific phenomena through a hands on and visually stimulating curriculum at their level of learning. Most of all we want our children to be engaged in learning and find it fun and exciting. Where possible our science is linked to our cross curricular topics and the children guide their own learning journey.
H Bourne Science Coordinator
Design and Technology
Design and Technology is taught through the Creative Curriculum. The children’s knowledge and understanding is applied through the development of ideas, planning, making products and evaluating them.
R Ford DT Coordinator