Governing Body
Chair of Governors: Adrian Lynch
Governing Body Membership | Type | Appointed By | Term of Office Start | Term of Office End | Attendance 2022 2023 |
Mr Dennis Ley | Head | Ex – Officio | 01.09.16 | 9/9 | |
Mrs Isobel Callaghan | Co-Op | GB | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 | 6/9 |
Adrian Lynch | Co opted | GB | 4.11.22 | 14.11.26 | 5/9 |
Adrian Lynch | Co opted | GB | 14.11.22 | 14.11.26 | 5/9 |
Esther McNeil | Staff | GB | 01.09.24 | 01.09.27 | |
Mr. Anthony Lappin | Parent | Elected | 6.6.22 | 6.6.26 | 6/9 |
Ms Beverley Payne | Parent | Elected | 01.09.24 | 01.09.2028 | 1/1 |
Samantha Dufill | Coopted | GB | 01.09.24 | 01.09.2028 | 1/1 |
Gemma Elysee | Coopted | GB | 01.09.24 | 01.09.2028 | 1/1 |
Cllr David Branson | LA | GB | 06.06.21 | 30.11.24 | 6/9 |
Jon Tait | Co Opted | GB | 06.06.24 | 06.0627 | 1/1 |
Former Governors
Former Governor/s | Type | Appointed By | Term of Office Start | Term of Office End |
Jeff Watson | Co-opted | GB | 1.9.13 | 1.9.21 |
Chris Robinson | Parent | GB | 1.9.21 | 12.12.21 |
Jason Stead | Parent | GB | 1.9.17 | 1.9.21 |
Cllr Jeanette Walker | LA | GB | 11.07.16 | 18.12.17 |
Mrs Sue Pattison | Co-opted | GB | 01.09.15 | 16.04.18 |
Mr Paul Panayi | Parent | GB | 03.10.14 | 16.04.18 |
Ms Gemma Ridley | Parent | Elected | 03.10.14 | 09.07.18 |
Mr Barry Lister | Co-opted | Elected | 01.05.15 | 31.08.19 |
Emma Cowley | LA | Elected | 16.4.18 | 01.9.20 |
Iris Dawson | Co-Opted | Elected | 5.4.16 | 5.4.20 |
Rachel McGravey | Co-Opted | Elected | 24.3.19 | 30.11.20 |
Sue Taylor | Co-Opted | Elected | 15.5.18 | 15.5.22 |
Linder Pott | Co-Opted | Elected | 13.4.18 | 13.4.22 |
Dear Parents/Carers
Governors Annual Statement 2023 2024
The Department for Education has issued guidance which suggests that Governing Bodies should make an annual statement to parents so we have prepared this document for your consideration. The Governing body at our school endeavours to fulfil the role defined by Government supported by the Local Authority. In doing so we hope that we can help to make our school the very best it can be for the benefit of our children.
The Department for Education guidance specifies that the annual statement should explain how we have fulfilled our responsibilities, including:
- the governance arrangements that are in place, including the remit of any committees;
- the attendance record of individual governors at board and committee meetings
- an assessment of the effectiveness and impact of the board and any committees with details of any particular challenges that have arisen
I would like to explain that the Governor role is intended to be strategic in nature while being a “critical friend” to the Head teacher and the school leadership team who are responsible for the day-to-day-operational running of the school. In reviewing the way the school works, the Governors have gained an enormous respect for all the staff in the school. The amount of effort, care for our children, and “going the extra mile” we see on a regular basis from all our staff, is nothing short of inspirational. It is not only academic progress that’s evident in the school, but all the events and other activities such as concerts, trips and sports events that show what a broad and fulfilling education our children benefit from in our school. I would like to take this opportunity to give a huge thank you to all our staff for the level of effort and care they all contribute.
Governor Meetings:
At Holmwood School members of the governing body have played, and continue to play, a strong role in driving the school forward. The current governors who are all listed on the website, all are volunteers, giving up their own time to fulfil the roles for the benefit of our children.
There have been nine formal governor meetings for the year 2018 – 2019. Governor attendance has, as always, been of a very good level, with any absences having been fully explained and accepted and approved by the governing body. There are no causes for concern at the level of commitment shown by any member of the governing body.
We have a clerk that helps us to ensure all the topics we are required to discuss each year are covered, and we have 3 main sub-committees that perform much of the detailed work in accordance with their remit.
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Governors work co-operatively with the Headteacher and senior management in the writing and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan. The School Improvement Plan sets aims for the forthcoming year. The SIP for 2018/19 were based on priorities identified from data, school self-evaluation and Ofsted priorities. The SIP is set out with clear aims, the key tasks which will be completed in order to achieve these aims and the success criteria in order to measure outcomes. The SIP is monitored and reviewed termly, with an evaluation overview being completed and presented to governors alongside the Head Teacher report.
- To continue to develop the quality of leadership and management across the school.
- To continue to improve the quality of education
- To maintain outstanding behaviour and a positive attitude toward leaning.
- To continue to improve the pupils personal development.
- To develop as a learning community providing services, in partnership with the LA, local schools the local community and beyond.
The governors visit the school as part of their monitoring of the SIP and of specific issues. These visits are considered a valuable opportunity for governors to be able to work closely with staff members across the school.
Data is made available to governors through termly meetings with verbal and written presentations followed by question and answer sessions with the Headteacher.
Governors review all relevant policies on a programmed basis to ensure that all guidance is current and up to date.
Specific attention is paid to ensure that the school complies with the Department of Education mandatory policy list and the Local Authority recommended list.
Financial management:
The governors have worked closely with the Head Teacher, School Business Manager and Senior Leaders to monitor the school budget.
The impact of the governors’ role in the school ensures that the budget is managed effectively and improvements are effective and continuous.
Governor expertise:
At Holmwood School the governors bring a wide variety of expertise to the school and this in turn helps to ensure the school continues to move forward and develop.
Staff recruitment:
The Headteacher and a number of governors are trained in “Safer Recruitment”. Governors are involved in the recruitment and selection of all teaching staff and use the appointment process to ensure that high quality staff who share the schools vision and aims are appointed.
Future and Continuous improvement:
The governing body and senior management team are constantly striving to improve and develop the school.
Ongoing and future areas for targeting will include:
- Ensure continued improvement in pupil progress and attainment across all ability groups.
- Ensure continued training of all staff.
- Ensuring that all Governors and all staff receive updated safeguarding training
- Review of impact of the Learning Challenge Curriculum.
- Deelopment and implementation of governor roles.
- Continued the updating of technology.
- Ensure the school premises and resources meets the needs of children.
Conclusion I hope that this statement has been useful and any comments would be gratefully received.
Best wishes
Dr Chris Robinson
Chair of Governors
Human Resources Policies
Concerns/Appeals Committee – Pool Membership (all governors except those employed in school in any capacity
The Governing Body recognises its responsibility to be the final arbiter on all policy matters and decisions concerning the management of the school.
It is the Governing Body’s intention to delegate responsibilities adequately to a number of Committees and to the Head and staff so as to ensure the most efficient and effective delivery of policy.
The Chair of the Committees to agree with the Head Teacher the agenda and send to members 1 week prior to the meeting.
The minutes of Committees will be presented to all Governors at the next full Governing Body meeting. Major decisions may be referred to the full Governing Body where full consultation is felt advisable.
The Governing Body has also established Working Parties without delegated powers to consider key issues with a view to recommending to full Governors a course of action.
- To consider the budget allocation from the LA and approve a budget for the financial year.
- To vire between budget headings during the course of year
- Day to day management be delegated to the Head Teacher Spending Limits in line with school financial procedures:
- To the Head Teacher : Delegated powers up to a ceiling of £5,000 on any single item purchased, without reference to the Finance Committee (unless these purchases have already been agreed by governors within the reported School/Premises or ICT Development Plans). Any emergency expenditure of more than £5,000 on maintenance of the site will be reported to the committee.
- Committee Level : expenditure up to £15,000.
- Any expenditure over that will be submitted for approval to the full Governing body with the recommendation of the Committee.
- To monitor spending and examine outturn figures during the financial year.
- To follow the LA’s guidelines when entering into contractual agreements.
- To determine charges for lettings
- To liaise with the Raising Achievement members and the full Governing Body over matters relating to School Development Plans.
- To determine the staffing levels and annual teaching staff establishment and recruit in line with Safer Recruitment Guidelines.
- Ensure up to date and relevant training regarding safeguarding procedures are in place and monitor the effectiveness of policies and practices;
- To determine the grades for non-teaching staff in accordance with LA Job Evaluation.
- To advise the Governing Body of and approve the School Charging Policy.
- Implement, review and approve finance policy on an annual basis.
- Review and approve the School Pay policy on an annual basis.
- To monitor and evaluate staff absences in line with the Staff Absence Management Policy.
- To implement the governing Body’s Pay Policy for all staff (teaching and non-teaching) including the annual review of teachers salaries, Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teachers as required by law.
- To advise on matters relating to competitive tendering.
- To consider and report to the Governing Body on aspects of building and premises including monitoring the (DDA) Disability Discrimination Action Plan and Equal Opportunities compliance.
- To determine the number and deployment of posts above the basic level.
- To ensure that arrangements for Performance Management/Threshold Payments are implemented.
School Financial Value Standard (SFVS) Remit
To consider annually the Schools Financial Value Standards (SFVS).
- To approve and sign off SIC (Statement of Internal Control) after considering the latest Audit Report, Self Evaluation of Internal Control Systems and pre- certification checklist for governors.
- To consider benchmarking data annually in order to plan and manage the budget, identify areas and set targets for improved use of resources, achieve value for money and improve effectiveness to improve performance, delivering educational services to a defined standard.
Building and Sites Remit
- To consider and report to the Governing Body on aspects of building and premises, including monitoring the (DDA) Disability Discrimination Action Plan.
- To review the Health and Safety Policy on an annual basis.
- To review Health and Safety Training Needs;
- To maintain a high standard of Health and Safety for all.
- To consider and prioritise future developments relating to the building/premises;
- To produce an annual report of building related issues for Governors/staff/parents.
- To meet termly or as required.
- To monitor/evaluate progress against the OFSTED Action Plan (where applicable) or the LA CAT Plan
- To advise the Governing Body in establishing a curriculum policy statement.
- To consider and have delegated power to respond to the LA with regard to their, Children, Families & Learning Plan;
- In liaison with the Head Teacher, to agree statutory (KS4) and non statutory targets aimed at raising standards of pupil performance;
- To approve policies for sex education, religious education, collective worship SEN, Inclusion and other as deemed necessary and advise the Governing Body accordingly.
- To monitor and evaluate pupil performance including targeted groups: i.e Ability Groups and Vulnerable groups eg Looked After Children, Ethnic Minority/English as an Additional Language, SEN, Travellers, Refugees/Asylum Seekers, excluded pupils termly using comparative data from the RAISEonline PIVATS and school pupil tracking systems.
- To advise the Governing Body on curriculum organisation.
- To liaise with the Head Teacher over the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of School Improvement Plans.
- To contribute, monitor and evaluate the School Self Evaluation Form.
- Monitor the effects of pupil attendance, fixed term and permanent exclusions on pupil attainment through the Head Teacher’s report.
- Monitor the effectiveness of the way school promotes Community Cohesion/Extended Schools.
- To consider any requests from the school for residential educational visits and journeys relating to the curriculum. The named governor for Health and Safety to monitor risk assessment and report annually to the full governing body.
Performance management/appraisal regulations require governing bodies to appoint two or three governors to appraise the Head Teacher. The appointed governors must undertake the performance review with the External Adviser ensuring that clear objectives are set and monitored. Clear assessment should be made of performance overall and in particular the extent to which the Head Teacher has achieved his/her objectives. They must prepare a written statement recording the main points made by the appraiser, the Head Teacher’s response and the conclusions reached.
The recommendation for deciding whether or not to award a performance point on the pay spine is delegated to the governors conducting the performance review who must be mindful of the School’s Pay Policy.
Any alteration to the school ISR (Individual School Range) must be made with the approval of the delegated committee.
- To agree objectives with the Head Teacher and external Adviser in respect of performance management.
- To monitor objectives with the External Adviser half yearly.
- To meet at least twice a year.
Chair of Complaints: To be appointed at time of meeting.
Chair of Appeals Committee: To be appointed at time of meeting.
Pool Membership for Complaints and Appeals Committees (excluding staff)
A Governor who serves on a Complaints Committee may not serve on an Appeals Committee
(Gender balance of governors should sit on each Committee if possible subject to availability of respective governors)
Complaints/Concerns Committee Remit:
- To consider matters relating to pupil behaviour.
- To determine matters relating to the reinstatement of a permanently excluded pupil.
- To receive and act on any complaint from parents according to school policy.
- To discuss the need for staff reduction, and, if necessary set the criteria for nominating a member of staff as redundant.
- To determine which member(s) of staff will be nominated for dismissal/redundancy by applying the criteria established.
- To liaise and carry out formal consultation with representatives of recognised Trade Unions prior to the meeting of the nominating Committee.
- To consider any issue relating to capability, disciplinary or grievance.
- To consider appeals following Performance Management reviews to meet within 10 working days of receipt of an employees notification of appeal;
- Confirm decision following Performance Management appeal within 10 days of the date in which it met and made the decision.
- To meet when required.
Appeals Committee Remit:
- To hear an appeal from a member of staff regarding the decision to dismiss that member of staff, and determine, in the light of the appeal, whether the decision to dismiss should be upheld.
- To consider any appeal against grading from a member of the non-teaching staff and decide whether the appeal can be upheld.
- To hear appeals in respect of capability, disciplinary or grievance.
- To consider any appeal against salary assessment/grading from members of staff (teaching and non-teaching) and determine whether the appeal can be upheld.
- To hear pay appeal following decision of original Performance Management appeal.