Here at Holmwood School, our main focus is to develop children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a range of purposes. An enriched Creative Curriculum is provided to help achieve this.
At Holmwood, we teach do not teach according to the child’s age, rather where they are on their learning journey. Differentiation is key to progress.
To develop our pupils as readers, a high quality phonics program is delivered. The phonics and reading programme being used at Holmwood School is Sounds Write. Children will receive phonics teaching to support their reading and writing. Please visit https://www.sounds-write.co.uk/ for further information.
As young writers, we teach them to write effectively for a range of purposes and a range of readers adapting their vocabulary and style as appropriate. Pupils are encouraged to write with interest, commitment and enjoyment with the ability to evaluate and improve their own writing.
S. Ahmad English/Literacy Coordinator